Well, I've re-done my homeschool site. Hope you like it! And I plan on posting much more regularly now. We've had quite a tumultuous year in that all Spring and Summer and into the Fall of 2010 we were living in a camper on our 40 acres of land...and I was mostly 'unplugged' from internet-everything for those months....all but a blackberry. Ha! Then winter hit and I was doing alot of studying myself to pass an Insurance Certification exam. Needless to say, blogging has been put on the back burner.
So what's new on the homeschool front? This year I decided to enroll my school age kiddos into a NAPS program...a Non-Approved Private School. I really like the set-up and the administrator is very cool....and organized and all those things I'm generally not. We joined the Bangor Public Library earlier this Spring...or late winter....and I love this Library! The children's section is extensive...and they seem to carry more current books in many more categories.
I also switched over to Math-U-See and the kiddos are absolutely thriving with this approach. I borrowed the manipulative blocks, videos, and teacher guides from my friend, Denise G. I took math all the way through Trig, but all of higher math was a real struggle for me (except Geometry, which was a cakewalk). It feels good, though, to know that I have some sort of math program in place...especially since I feel weak in that area.
We're doing lots of reading and copywork...mostly from poem books. Their handwriting and spelling has greatly improved with this routine. Poetry is such great literary training....there's a 'feel' to it that only comes from lots of exposure, it seems. So stay tuned....I'm excited to share more and would love to hear from you, too!