Welcome to The Romantic Mom Homeschool blog! I'm calling it The Beautiful Homeschool for a variety of reasons. Not because I own the exclusive rights to beauty here...no more than to a 'romantic life'...but it typifies the essence of what we're striving for in the daily life with our children. This life just happens to include educating them along the way. No minor detail, I realize, yet we treat it as simply another aspect of our family life...lived wholeheartedly with as much adventure, beauty, creativity and curiosity as we can toss into the mix. I invite you to join in on our journey and peruse to your heart's content!
A Place to Begin
For parents considering the homeschool option, usually the first...and most overwhelming question is: Where do we even start? However, this really isn't the very first question we should ask. Don't panic. I'll try to explain.
The first question to ask ourselves as parents is this: What is education? What is our philosophy guiding this education? Read more under Philosophy
And if you'd also like to read about my journey into the homeschool adventure!
Now Some Good Reading
1. Charlotte Mason's Original Writings
Read, read, and read her stuff again and again....and again. You'll LOVE it...you'll wish you were raised this way...you'll be so glad you have children to raise this way...you'll wish you had more children to homeschool...you'll wish EVERYbody could be so happy and content...and learned! And don't fall for the 'modern English' paraphrased doo-da. Read it in her original vintage Victorian English...otherwise you're completely cheating yourself!
2. Homeschooling Our Children, Unschooling Ourselves by Alison McKee
This mom charts her family's progress through uncharted...very nontraditional territory...and delivers some unexpected, timely, and wonderful insights and discoveries. A biggie of which is that children love to learn...and they do so without anyone ever forcing them to do so. You'll be greatly encouraged in this family's journey. I sure was...so I know you will be, too!
3. Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
A must, MUST read. We have to be convicted here, that this is the best path for our children. This book does some incredible convincing. You will journey forth into Homeschool Land and never look back again after reading this book.
These will get you started. I've read many more that are absolutely superb. I'll be adding those as well. But start here first. You'll be so glad you did!
And if you'd also like to read about my journey into the homeschool adventure!
Now Some Good Reading
1. Charlotte Mason's Original Writings
Read, read, and read her stuff again and again....and again. You'll LOVE it...you'll wish you were raised this way...you'll be so glad you have children to raise this way...you'll wish you had more children to homeschool...you'll wish EVERYbody could be so happy and content...and learned! And don't fall for the 'modern English' paraphrased doo-da. Read it in her original vintage Victorian English...otherwise you're completely cheating yourself!
2. Homeschooling Our Children, Unschooling Ourselves by Alison McKee
This mom charts her family's progress through uncharted...very nontraditional territory...and delivers some unexpected, timely, and wonderful insights and discoveries. A biggie of which is that children love to learn...and they do so without anyone ever forcing them to do so. You'll be greatly encouraged in this family's journey. I sure was...so I know you will be, too!
3. Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
A must, MUST read. We have to be convicted here, that this is the best path for our children. This book does some incredible convincing. You will journey forth into Homeschool Land and never look back again after reading this book.
These will get you started. I've read many more that are absolutely superb. I'll be adding those as well. But start here first. You'll be so glad you did!