the world is our classroom...a lifelong love of learning......capture the teachable moments......learning through living......discovery is a lifestyle...when you rise up...when you lie down...when you are walking along the way...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Learning to Teach

You've probably heard the old saying that we don't really know something until we have to teach it to someone else. It's so true! My daughter, Heather, has discovered that this saying seems to be true also in teaching animals. Patience, persistence, kindness, repetition, and fun all play into the teaching model and seems to work with amazing results no matter who's doing the learning....or teaching, for that matter!

Make sure that you have the right tools or supplies for your lesson set up and ready to go...keep it interesting without being too overwhelming....

Make sure that your pupil completely understands what's being asked, take small steps, and reward even the tiniest attempts at the right answer...

A friendly bond develops so easily and quickly when lessons are short, interesting....with a bit of a challenge, a bit of review....and lots of praise! Last but not least, always end on a good note. Bonnie says, "Wow, I never knew I could walk over those logs on a crackly dark tarp!" Way to go, Bonnie, we knew you could do it! : D

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